Monday, December 31, 2012

Time Travels

Its rather funny that I noticed my last post connects with the one I am about to write- for starters I am sick with a fever and sinus infection, on New Year's Eve. Instead of going out with friends I am stuck in my apartment with a fever, sore throat and a headache from the sinus infection, and it makes my position rather grey. 

But no matter... Maybe 3 years ago I would have pushed through and gone out to celebrate but this year I feel the need to take care of my body. So I am comfy snuggled in my new PJ's from Christmas, my new duvet and Sherpa Blanket and watching a marathon session of Doctor Who. 

I find it fitting, watching Dr. Who- what with the whole concept of time and space. You see there are days I have been so anxious of what is to come, whether it is work related, or not, that my present day is filled with the future.


Then other days, grey clouds seem to fill my horizon so quickly that the past- that is memories (good and bad, and just memories) fill me that they too gulp up my present moment.

I believe 2012 went by with very little of my authentic self. 

Many choices made from a place of pain, a place of loneliness, a place of fear, and a place of worry- that when the smoke cleared, what is left was a patchwork that makes up me.

So I travel forward with a year ahead, a new sun upon my horizon begging me to make my year with a thankfulness and gracious heart.

So, with the most stamina I agree- its time to fill my life with the present moment.  
Too Bad I do not have a TARDIS- but I have my heart, my spirit and my two feet:)


Monday, September 24, 2012

Detoxifying My Soul and Body

Welcome to my blog!
 I have decided to map my progress in detoxifying my life. These past few years have been quite the hurricane and whirlwind with graduating from college 2 years ago, traveling, and starting my career in the fashion industry. I have realized over the time that my body has been holding the stress from many of these changes- which I won't go into crazy detail about but this last week will be a good snap shot of my motive for a detoxification:

  The Past Week included:
 -Sinus Infection
 -A relationship ending
 -My first migraine headache
 -job related stress

 The Past Month included:
 -Moving from Irvine to Santa Barbara
 -Finishing my first season as a Sales Rep
 -discovering my hormone level/thyroid is out of wack
 -getting back to a routine of activity

The Past Year:
-Began a job as a Sub Rep for a Sales Agency
-Moved to Irvine
-Ended a year long relationship 
-My Agency was dissolved
-lived under uncertainty of my job for 5 months
-began my first season as a sales rep

I left some stuff out- but I cannot believe a year has past. A year- Where have I been? I have been in my head, worried about my job, worried about where I am going, listening to the negatives and not being kind to my soul.

The problem is I have never really released any of this- They are stewing, causing cortisol to raise in my body ( a stress hormone).

So I am beginning a detox cleanse- 10 days of juice cleanse followed by a 7 days of body and soul consciousness- mostly raw, vegan to really nutrient my body. Just like a tune up on a car, its time to press the reset button!

Follow me as I map my daily reboot:)

 - " It is better to feel pain than nothing at all. The opposite of love is indifference" - The Lumineers